Lack of wellness of body and mind
While unhealthy lifestyles may come as a choice for some; for many, it is an unavoidable part of living in this day and age. For instance, depriving ourselves of recreational activities and proper sleep to keep up with our demanding roles at work, substituting home cooked meals with junk food which are high in calories and caffeine as sources to keep ourselves recharged, and picking up on drinking and smoking habits as means to relieve stress are simply some examples of the side effects of modern life. Hence, the lack of physical and mental wellness is undoubtedly prevalent in the majority of our lives- a matter we ought to look into with great haste.
The need for a new health trend
With the aforementioned side effects of modern life at hand, working out a few times a week and taking a couple of vacations a year might do the trick in terms of ridding ourselves of stress, but they do very little or nothing to help us do away with the impurities accumulated in our body over time. Thus, the need for a new health trend such as a Detox Retreat has never been as imperative as it is now.
What are Detox Retreats?
Retreats in general are aimed towards taking a break from our daily routine to get new perspectives in life. Likewise, Detox-Retreats take a similar approach but the perspective here being the improvement of our overall health by means of detoxification. While the conventional detoxification-programs focus mainly on fasting and juice cleanses to remove toxic substances from our blood; it is important for us remember that an unstable state of mind due to emotional trauma and high level of stress is equally capable of hampering our bodily functions. Hence, modern day Detox Retreats like the ones offered at ABSOLUTE SANCTUARY combine holistic approaches towards detoxification, such as colon hydrotherapy sessions, manual lymphatic drainage massage, detox drinks & meals, herbal supplements, and supportive therapies that include spa treatments, yoga and meditation classes, kick starting health based diet regimes, fitness routines, stress management, weight management, lifestyle changes, and many more. Consequently after a wholesome Detox Retreat in Thailand such as ours, People are left with a nurtured body, mind and spirit.
Positive Aspects of Detox Retreats
While home-detoxification is possible and therefore, an option, and even the human body itself is capable of naturally processing the toxins in our system; taking up a Detox Retreat can certainly yield definite and faster results. Here are some of the many benefits of Detox Retreats:
1. A greater sense of revitalization
As previously mentioned, our own bodies are capable of processing the impurities in our system. However, much of our energy gets used up in the process which leaves us exhausted and feeling lethargic. Therefore, signing up for a detox retreat will leave you with greater sense of revitalization since it gives an additional support to our natural detoxification process and saves us much of our energy for other purposes.
2. A fortified immune system
With more energy in our reserves after a detox retreat, our immune system can do wonders in terms of fighting of illnesses and infections. Also, the efficiency of our bodily functions will drastically increase since our internal organs will be free of toxins.
3. Weight reduction
Unless one applies for a Detox Program that includes weight management; weight reduction is not the primary target for a detox retreat. Nonetheless, people in most cases experience weight loss after a Detox Retreat since they need to switch from their usual unhealthy eating habits to a health-based diet as part of the detoxification process. The weight loss also occurs as a sign of boosting our metabolism and the improved digestive system due to toxins being flushed out of our bodies.
4. Overall enhancement of appearance
As hard as it may be to believe, the benefits of Detox Retreat do not just end at weight loss. Once our body has been cleansed of all its impurities and waste matter; our skin will start to appear a lot clearer and our hair a lot shinier. As a result, all these will add up to the overall radiance of your appearance.
Why a Detox Retreat should be on your mind.
With several of the previously stated benefits, a Retreat is no doubt the health trend for 2020. But if you are still unsure of whether or not to sign up for one; please allow ABSOLUTE SANCTUARY to guide you through your wonderful journey for transformation. Here at ABSOLUTE SANCTUARY, not only do we offer world class Detox Programs but we also offer consultation services so as to tailor a Detox Retreat that best suits your needs. We believe that inspiring a change from within is the best approach towards transforming you to be the best you. For further information on our assistance, please contact us here.